Imagining the Post-COVID19 World

COVID19 has taken the entire world into its grip. More than 120 countries have arrayed the best of their potential in bringing the pandemic under control, if not entirely eradicate it. Innumerable reports on social and academic media are increasingly riveted to this humongous challenge. Scientists and laboratories are working over time in developing a cure for the virus which apparently is not ready to submit itself to any known conventional treatment or medicine.

The COVID19 scenario has also unfolded debates some of which out-rightly dub it as a bio weapon released by China. Some other debates hint at collusion of USA and China in handling a deadly virus. Yet other theories attempt to establish animal to human transference. Some doomsday forecasts are hollering that it is natures revenge or God's hand to teach humanity.

Beyond all the miles of tape and text that these debates are consuming, one simple reality stares at humanity point blank: How are we going to reconstruct our social, political and economic order when the pandemic becomes history. Developed nations will sit back and look at the wherewithal that gave them membership of exclusive clubs, which, surprisingly did not suffice in putting the pandemic down quickly. Developed nations will trace and re-trace the agenda with which they had attempted to arrive at exclusive clubs of the developed. Under-developed and poor countries will either way look for assistance in sustaining their life.

It is also necessary to look beyond pure or allied sciences. The fields of social sciences, humanities and strategic studies should also form the fulcrum of such efforts at resuscitation, for the world needs as much rejuvenation through social sciences as it does through pure sciences.   

This thought process is the cause of an attempt being made by Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) through this blog to bring in thought and debates about IMAGINING THE POST-COVID19 WORLD.

Contributions in the form of thoughts on rekindling the fires of growth and sustainability in the world in general and South Asia in particular are invited into this space. If they are thought processes not necessarily in the form of research papers, please send them to the below mentioned email address.

You are welcome to post your thoughts on the social media handles given at our website: 

Should you wish to submit a full length research paper, please follow guidelines in our website mentioned above.          

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