Sunday, September 6, 2020

Publish Your Scholarship!!

 What do we do with our PhD thesis, once we embark into a career in research or in academia?

In the course of our thesis work, we also come across a number of facts, data and observations which have the potential to grow into a research work in their own merit. But the complacency of having secured employment, together with the 'pressures' of the environment prevent us from re-visiting those notes.

Many of us do not even consider the option of converting our thesis into a book or at least the synopsis into a research paper which could ignite the academic curiosity of the larger research community around the world.

EJSSS believes that many a potential research ideas remain in the dusty volumes of our thesis and more in the volumes of notes/data we had collected. In order to reach those potential ideas into the world of emerging scholarship, EJSSS invites synopsis of completed thesis work in all the subjects of interest to our journal.

Please Note: Synopsis will be accepted only after at least the provisional degree has been awarded. Should you have queries, please mail:

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